Share Your Story

Share Your Story

Would you like to share your story with the TINO community? It’s a great opportunity to talk about life’s challenges, how you solved them and help out other young people that might be in a similar situation.

Before you submit

Please read the full terms and conditions here prior to submitting an item, but here are some key points:

  • The submissions are not monitored 24/7, and we do not respond to entries.
  • This is not a counselling or crisis service, if you need to talk someone now please refer to the emergency contacts section.
  • There are certain things your entry cannot contain to be approved, please check these out here.
  • All stories are moderated before they feature on the website

Your story

When writing your story imagine you are chatting to a friend or sibling who you would like to help and consider

  • Being solution focused
  • Being clear and concise
  • Respect others in your story
  • Be age appropriate in your content
  • Remain anonymous don’t include information which would identify you, or others – think about changing names and locations
  • Give credit where credit due – if you refer to facts or words from another service or person reference them.

Thank you for contributing to the TINO community.